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Fiddle Fusion

Image by Clem Onojeghuo

Join us for a lively class where students collaborate to explore fiddle tunes from diverse musical traditions including Bluegrass, Celtic, and Old-Time. Our class offers a dynamic curriculum aimed at refining musicianship and performance abilities across a spectrum of topics. These students learn to dance and play simultaneously! 

Participants will engage in a rich array of activities, from mastering intricate melodies to honing ensemble skills. With ample opportunities to showcase their talents and even participate in contests, students will find an inspiring platform to demonstrate their progress and passion for music.

Prerequisites include an intermediate-level proficiency on their instrument, ensuring a cohesive and productive learning environment. Instruments welcomed in the ensemble include fiddle, mandolin, banjo, guitar, and bass.

Come join our jam sessions and experience the joy of making music together!

Key Features:

  • Diverse Musical Styles: Explore a range of genres including traditional fiddle, bluegrass, rock, and more, broadening your musical horizons.

  • Technique Development: Learn essential fiddle techniques such as bowing, finger placement, and rhythm patterns.

  • Musical Expression: Develop your ability to interpret and express different musical styles, enhancing your versatility as a musician.

  • Improvisation Skills: Gain confidence in improvisation, learning how to create spontaneous and exciting musical phrases.

  • Dance Techniques: Learn basic dance techniques

  • Ensemble Playing: Experience the joy of playing with others, improving your listening skills, timing, and group dynamics.

Performance opportunities: Fiddle Contests, Concerts, Recitals, Community Events, Music Videos


Join our Fiddle Fusion class and embark on a musical journey through various genres! Whether you're a beginner looking to explore new styles or an experienced player aiming to diversify your skills, this class offers a fun and supportive environment for learning and growth.

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